


Finding Rockstars For Your Organization


There are many things a business can’t live without. One of them is a strong team. Hiring the right people for your business is important. If you get your recruitment strategy right you can reduce costs, increase capacity and ensure that work is completed with your business’ unique branding in mind. One of the best ways that costs can be reduced is by hiring the rockstar employees that will stay...

5 Things They Don’t Tell you About Becoming an Entrepreneur


Being an entrepreneur isn’t an easy ride and whatever people have told you about starting your own business – they’re sure to have missed something out. If you want to be successful within business you have to take the rough with the smooth and know where to place your valuable, but limited, resources. To do this, you should know a few things about being an entrepreneur. Here’s what...

10 Tips On Creating And Delivering Powerful Presentations


A good presentation is more than just a speech. Steve Jobs was arguably one of the best presenters who ever graced the stage. His presentations were highly inspiring and every one of his speeches received a standing ovation from his audience. The secret behind his success was a series of steps he routinely followed. Here are those 10 steps that have also helped my performance in my presentations...

Relentless Preparations


I was on vacation in New York City when I received a phone call from one of my business partners. “J, our servers are down.” My heart dropped. How could it be that during the one weekend I decided to take a short vacation, shit happened? I immediately called iWeb and filed a ticket. As the iWeb team examined the issue we started getting phone calls and emails from our clients. Three hours later...

Communication Shortcuts Kill Relationships


Let me share a little story… A client had sent me a very unhappy e-mail. I spent the next three to four hours drafting up what I thought was a very constructive, political and positive response. A few hours later, I got another unhappy e-mail. This went on for about 3 more e-mails. Sound familiar? I was confused by the tone of my client’s e-mail and I decided to pick up the phone and just...

7 Habits To Help Manage Your Network


She left me. No warning. Not even a goodbye. Poof! Gone. She had always bragged about how great I was to everyone she knew. Lots of referrals too. She was a client of mine, and one day, she decided to take her business elsewhere. No matter how great our work is, relationships fuel the very foundation of business. I recognized the importance of developing good business relationships early on in my...

I’ve Been Breathing Wrong All My Life


Sometimes simple things make a big difference. About 3 months ago, I injured my right shoulder. It wasn’t a major injury, but it was bad enough to stop me from playing golf and doing other physical things I enjoy. Like most people with this type of injury, I turned to the medical community for help (from massage therapists to chiropractors). I even tried acupuncture for the first time. I...

3 Simple Questions That Changed My Life & Others


We rush around trying to get things done—meet a deadline, finalize a deal, or respond to an email. We go from day to day rushing around like little automatons. After awhile, this becomes our lives. We get into our daily routine and before you know it the day is gone. This happens day after day and we often forget to stop and reflect. Losing the ability to reflect on things prevents us from...