Becoming Par | Scorecard


TourIQ wrote in earlier posts how I plan on keeping score and while reading Golf Digest, I came across this scorecard that I have now printed out like several copies and used it on several courses now.

I recommend everyone do the same, and I will update my RCGA Network score card with the last couple of times I’ve played outdoors this season.

Aside from that, for the last 3-4 weeks, I kept topping the ball, slicing it widely to the right, and fatting every shot.  It was so stressful, I could barely sleep, rolling around thinking what I am doing wrong.  I even used the camera to see, but I don’t know the fundamentals well enough.  Well, after weeks struggling and almost wanted to throw my clubs into the simulator, Oliver/Kevin from InnerGolf showed me that I eliminated a lot of my weigh transfer to the front leg because I stopped the swaying back.  Therefore, my body didn’t adapt to the down swing.  After a couple more practices (days), I finally got my groove back! Woohoo.  Just thought I’d share that with you.

I was so embarrassed to play with anyone, and I forced myself to not get peer pressured into playing games, and just keep practicing my striking.  And it paid off.  Whew.

So, when you are not doing it properly, sometimes it just takes time, relax, and get a third opinion from someone you trust.

About the author

Jeremy Choi

I’m a husband, father, entrepreneur, mentor, and an irredeemable golf addict. Possibly like you, my big hairy audacious goal (vision) is to make a positive dent in this world. I write about creating better leaders, workers, and people. I also write about my experiences in all aspects of my life. These ideas are my experiences living & learning through my own core values; integrity, authenticity, leadership, inspire, and health.

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